Monday, March 24, 2008

Our King lives...a flawed king dies

Yesterday was Easter. A day on which Christians gathered together to celebrate the resurrection of our perfect, loving, and living king - Jesus. Today's reading in the Daily Walk Bible deals with another king - Saul. A king who, unlike Jesus, was flawed and egocentric.

Yesterday, we celebrated Jesus life. Today, we read about Saul's death.

The Daily Walk Bible's notes summarize Saul's life and death as follows:

"In contemporary English, the word tragedy is used to describe any severe adversity, regardless of its cause. But more specifically, a tragedy is a calamity that results from a wrong decision arising from a flawed character. Using this definition, Saul's life was a true tragedy. It held much promise of success for himself and the nation, yet it ended in defeat and disgrace - all because pride and self-will led him to rebel against God's commands."

Saul is not the first, nor will he be the last, to have a life of great potential marred and destroyed by his own pride, sin and rebellion.

Jesus' life. Saul's life. Whose life does ours more closely align with?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I closer align myself with Saul, only because I consider Jesus to be unusual and strange. Jesus' reactions to situations make no sense, and predicting his actions is difficult. Since I am considered to be normal and not disturbing by others, I must be closer to Saul.

Bill Hnat