Tuesday, January 8, 2008


If you have not yet received your Daily Walk Bible, here are the upcoming, suggested readings:

01.08 Genesis 18-20
01.09 Genesis 21-24
01.10 Genesis 25-26
01.11 Genesis 27-31
01.12 Genesis 32-36
01.13 Genesis 37-40

One important thought...our primary goal is not to merely follow a schedule. Our goal is much greater. We want to regularly read the Bible, allow it to transform our daily actions and thoughts, and better know the God who loves us. That is the goal. It is a much bigger goal than complying with a schedule. Discipline is important, and schedules can be very beneficial. On the flip side, it is far too easy for keeping the schedule to become the goal, in and of itself.

So, pick a pace and schedule that is helpful for you. If the Daily Walk schedule is helpful - use it. However, if your reading pace is different, that is absolutely fine. Do not feel guilty. Do not become frustrated. Read at the pace that works for you.

Am I overstating things? How do you think reading calendars can be beneficial? Can they be harmful? Is reading through the entire Bible in one year the ultimate goal or is there more?



john alan turner said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I would hate to think of people reading this just to check the box at the end of the day.

In my opinion, the discipline is worthwhile, but it's more important to remember that the goal is not for me to get through the text but to allow the text to get through me.

Anonymous said...

We do have an incredible tendency to put tasks and procedures on things that God had meant for relationship – especially guys since we don’t seem to have the relationship abilities that women do. Your message is very good. When doing daily devotionals, I’ve often found that God speaks to me where I’m at - even if I’ve missed some days. An important message is to imagine God saying “Grace and peace to you” as we approach Him and realize that the reading of scripture is hearing from God in this relationship that He gives us.

Anonymous said...

I set a goal one year to read entirely thru the bible. I had never done that before. - I had picked up a One Year Chronological bible and started on Jan 4. I was already 4 days behind.

But to 'catch up', I would make time to read 2 'days' at a time ( or more if I had time ) until I was back 'on track'.

For me, reading 'by a calendar' was helpful because it gave me a personal accountability partner. It helped my goal of reading all the way thru the bible a reality instead of another broken new years resolution.

Anonymous said...

I have been doing a similar devotion where you read thru the Bible over the course of a calendar year for about 5 years now. What results is a more holistic understanding of how the story fits together - Old Testament and New. It is amazing how much more you can get out of some of the New Testament stories just understanding the history that sits behind them.

I have even found myself wanting to keep reading - looking forward to the next entry! Not at first, but over time that passion to 'know God' will keep you enthralled!

Anonymous said...

It's exciting to think what God can do through our church if the majority of us commit to spending time daily in His Word. Thanks for making 2008 the year of the Bible. Spending time daily with God in His Word will change us from the inside out. Thanks to the pastors for encouraging us to do this! I needed this challenge and encouragement.

Anonymous said...

The discipline of regularly reading enables you to remember more of what you read last time, which then enables what you are now reading to mean more because you understand the context of it.

Anonymous said...

The great thing about immersing yourself in THE BOOK is that The Lord is timeless! We are faced with the same issues, pressures, and situations that Abraham, Moses, and Paul faced....and the Bible is full of scripture to help us deal with this stuff! I'm plowing through Acts now and I'm amazed that Peter, Paul, Timothy, and Barnabas faced the same stuff that I deal with everyday in 2008!