Friday, January 11, 2008

Does God mean it?

God promised Abraham that He would (i) give him children and descendants that would eventually form a nation; (ii) give those descendants land - a place to live; and (iii) use Abraham and his descendants to bless all nations (Gen 12 and 15). The stories that we have recently read were recorded and given to Jews so they could look back over their history and see how God progressively honored His promises. We track God's promises being fulfilled through Abraham, then through his son - Isaac, then through Isaac's son - Jacob. Specifically, Abraham's children keep having children. Then, God's blessing gets past down the family tree. We will soon begin reading how Abraham's descendants move towards the land they were promised. These individual stories combine to show God's faithfulness. That is the big point, and it is helpful to keep the big point in mind as we read through the individual stories.

However, these individual stories also reveal things about the people that God was choosing and using. Think about some of the stories we read today (Genesis 27-31) or in previous days. Is there any common theme among the characters involved? What are the things they do well? What are similar mistakes they seem to make? Is there some underlying factor/concern that motivates their poor choices? Why do they act the way they do, particularly in light of what God promised to them.

Much like the characters we read about, God has promised certain things to us. Now, here is the harder question...why do we sometimes act the way we do, particularly in light of what God has promised to us?


Anonymous said...

My hopes and dreams play an important role in acting against God's will. I have placed high expectations for my life, and I did not anticipate that attaining small goals would become so challenging. With no apparent solution on the horizon, I can understand why early Biblical characters were so impatient with God. They had simple hopes and dreams just like me. Despite what God tells them, they have great fear that their dreams may pass them by. I struggle with the issue of patience: be impatient and cause big problems by quick decisions or become too patient and become lulled into a state of ineffective passivity.

-Bill Hnat--

Anonymous said...

What strikes me most about all of the stories in Genesis is the value that they placed on bearing children and how God "gifted" the children to the parents.

Those of us that are parents and are looking for "blessings" and wondering "when" God is going to "reward" us, really need only look to our children to realize that God has already blessed us in the highest way.

Anonymous said...

I think I act the way I act(poor choices, etc.), even in light of God's promises because in my heart of hearts I really don't believe God, or I don't actually trust Him. This is especially evident in my own life when I'm struggling with a particularly difficult situation or trial and I become anxious, fearful, even depressed. Even though I know what God's word says about His faithfulness and His plans for me, etc, I just don't really trust Him and I question how He goes about His work---like I think my way (no suffering, no trouble) would be a much better way to get the job done. I relate to Sarah who gets impatient waiting for God to work and I launch my own plan and it usually a disaster. Yep, just good ole unbelief is what it is.

Anonymous said...

We all need to look forward to and focus on the life after here on earth. And the immense love and reward that is in store for us after we leave this life if we Believe in God. And through doing good works and doing the right thing we show our faith in Him.

THis makes it a lot easier to listen to the loving advice and wisdom that He gives us everday through prayer and contemplation and reading the scripture. We are already HIs Children, We have already won a place in His heart even before we were born. HE wants us to praise him and obey him and the best Gift ever in return is abundant life in HIS everlasting Kingdom.

Patience is a true virtue, We all need to slow down and put God first in our lives. Listen to His voice inside of you.
